6.7. geom with CHARMM

There is an internally-integrated CHARMM force field calculation engine in geom, enabling global optimization of organic and bio-organic molecular clusters. This can be done easily as long as you have CHARMM parameter files and PSF topology files for your system.

To call internally-integrated CHARMM, you should use the following input:

 2    a.xyz 10
 3    random 0 0 0 5 5 5
 4    ****
 5    b.xyz 20
 6    random 0 0 0 5 5 5
 7    ****
10    parameter.inp
11    a.psf
12    b.psf
15    $charmm$

In charmm block, you should input a parameter file name (path included if necessary) followed by PSF files for each component defined in components block.

Note that when charmm block is present, generated clusters will also be saved in PDB format. A PSF file for the whole cluster named X.psf will also be generated.

6.7.1. Example: Decaalanines


The sample input and output files can be found in testfiles/geom/8-aladeca-charmm.

In this Section we will see how to use geom to look for the stable configurations of some special shape of decaalanines.

The structure of decaalanine is:

  2ATOM      1  N   ALA B   1       0.113  -2.288  -1.254  1.00  0.00      BH
  3ATOM      2  HT2 ALA B   1      -0.779  -1.974  -1.687  1.00  0.00      BH
  4ATOM      3  HT3 ALA B   1       0.803  -2.829  -1.813  1.00  0.00      BH
  5ATOM      4  CA  ALA B   1       0.767  -1.116  -0.506  1.00  0.00      BH
  6ATOM      5  HA  ALA B   1       1.714  -1.559  -0.234  1.00  0.00      BH
  7ATOM      6  CB  ALA B   1       0.790   0.006  -1.515  1.00  0.00      BH
  8ATOM      7  HB1 ALA B   1       1.247   0.922  -1.085  1.00  0.00      BH
  9ATOM      8  HB2 ALA B   1       1.323  -0.411  -2.396  1.00  0.00      BH
 10ATOM      9  HB3 ALA B   1      -0.176   0.421  -1.873  1.00  0.00      BH
 11ATOM     10  C   ALA B   1      -0.064  -0.634   0.728  1.00  0.00      BH
 12ATOM     11  O   ALA B   1      -1.283  -0.502   0.585  1.00  0.00      BH
 13ATOM     12  N   ALA B   2       0.567  -0.384   1.892  1.00  0.00      BH
 14ATOM     13  HN  ALA B   2       1.558  -0.447   1.979  1.00  0.00      BH
 15ATOM     14  CA  ALA B   2      -0.136  -0.308   3.124  1.00  0.00      BH
 16ATOM     15  HA  ALA B   2      -0.582  -1.269   3.333  1.00  0.00      BH
 17ATOM     16  CB  ALA B   2       0.894  -0.058   4.221  1.00  0.00      BH
 18ATOM     17  HB1 ALA B   2       0.586   0.170   5.264  1.00  0.00      BH
 19ATOM     18  HB2 ALA B   2       1.386  -1.043   4.368  1.00  0.00      BH
 20ATOM     19  HB3 ALA B   2       1.572   0.761   3.896  1.00  0.00      BH
 21ATOM     20  C   ALA B   2      -1.193   0.854   3.162  1.00  0.00      BH
 22ATOM     21  O   ALA B   2      -2.372   0.602   3.566  1.00  0.00      BH
 23ATOM     22  N   ALA B   3      -0.856   2.141   2.875  1.00  0.00      BH
 24ATOM     23  HN  ALA B   3       0.082   2.422   2.689  1.00  0.00      BH
 25ATOM     24  CA  ALA B   3      -1.733   3.280   2.950  1.00  0.00      BH
 26ATOM     25  HA  ALA B   3      -1.997   3.414   3.989  1.00  0.00      BH
 27ATOM     26  CB  ALA B   3      -0.919   4.499   2.477  1.00  0.00      BH
 28ATOM     27  HB1 ALA B   3      -0.655   4.413   1.401  1.00  0.00      BH
 29ATOM     28  HB2 ALA B   3      -1.373   5.496   2.661  1.00  0.00      BH
 30ATOM     29  HB3 ALA B   3       0.046   4.517   3.027  1.00  0.00      BH
 31ATOM     30  C   ALA B   3      -3.066   3.199   2.243  1.00  0.00      BH
 32ATOM     31  O   ALA B   3      -4.119   3.466   2.841  1.00  0.00      BH
 33ATOM     32  N   ALA B   4      -3.071   2.558   1.079  1.00  0.00      BH
 34ATOM     33  HN  ALA B   4      -2.166   2.271   0.776  1.00  0.00      BH
 35ATOM     34  CA  ALA B   4      -4.295   2.275   0.353  1.00  0.00      BH
 36ATOM     35  HA  ALA B   4      -4.896   3.161   0.210  1.00  0.00      BH
 37ATOM     36  CB  ALA B   4      -3.971   1.919  -1.163  1.00  0.00      BH
 38ATOM     37  HB1 ALA B   4      -3.481   2.802  -1.626  1.00  0.00      BH
 39ATOM     38  HB2 ALA B   4      -3.239   1.084  -1.214  1.00  0.00      BH
 40ATOM     39  HB3 ALA B   4      -4.905   1.551  -1.638  1.00  0.00      BH
 41ATOM     40  C   ALA B   4      -5.138   1.148   1.014  1.00  0.00      BH
 42ATOM     41  O   ALA B   4      -6.290   1.290   1.505  1.00  0.00      BH
 43ATOM     42  N   ALA B   5      -4.485  -0.069   0.981  1.00  0.00      BH
 44ATOM     43  HN  ALA B   5      -3.535  -0.144   0.687  1.00  0.00      BH
 45ATOM     44  CA  ALA B   5      -4.953  -1.327   1.563  1.00  0.00      BH
 46ATOM     45  HA  ALA B   5      -5.600  -1.791   0.833  1.00  0.00      BH
 47ATOM     46  CB  ALA B   5      -3.792  -2.416   1.640  1.00  0.00      BH
 48ATOM     47  HB1 ALA B   5      -3.238  -2.513   0.682  1.00  0.00      BH
 49ATOM     48  HB2 ALA B   5      -3.051  -2.249   2.451  1.00  0.00      BH
 50ATOM     49  HB3 ALA B   5      -4.151  -3.455   1.805  1.00  0.00      BH
 51ATOM     50  C   ALA B   5      -5.728  -1.269   2.853  1.00  0.00      BH
 52ATOM     51  O   ALA B   5      -6.821  -1.826   3.026  1.00  0.00      BH
 53ATOM     52  N   ALA B   6      -5.092  -0.721   3.920  1.00  0.00      BH
 54ATOM     53  HN  ALA B   6      -4.250  -0.199   3.808  1.00  0.00      BH
 55ATOM     54  CA  ALA B   6      -5.756  -0.450   5.212  1.00  0.00      BH
 56ATOM     55  HA  ALA B   6      -6.319  -1.344   5.435  1.00  0.00      BH
 57ATOM     56  CB  ALA B   6      -4.701  -0.089   6.243  1.00  0.00      BH
 58ATOM     57  HB1 ALA B   6      -4.174   0.836   5.923  1.00  0.00      BH
 59ATOM     58  HB2 ALA B   6      -5.122  -0.006   7.268  1.00  0.00      BH
 60ATOM     59  HB3 ALA B   6      -4.066  -0.993   6.365  1.00  0.00      BH
 61ATOM     60  C   ALA B   6      -6.839   0.547   5.134  1.00  0.00      BH
 62ATOM     61  O   ALA B   6      -7.796   0.344   5.789  1.00  0.00      BH
 63ATOM     62  N   ALA B   7      -6.709   1.632   4.377  1.00  0.00      BH
 64ATOM     63  HN  ALA B   7      -5.900   1.830   3.830  1.00  0.00      BH
 65ATOM     64  CA  ALA B   7      -7.707   2.606   4.337  1.00  0.00      BH
 66ATOM     65  HA  ALA B   7      -8.028   2.824   5.345  1.00  0.00      BH
 67ATOM     66  CB  ALA B   7      -6.920   3.781   3.934  1.00  0.00      BH
 68ATOM     67  HB1 ALA B   7      -6.703   3.722   2.846  1.00  0.00      BH
 69ATOM     68  HB2 ALA B   7      -7.445   4.746   4.096  1.00  0.00      BH
 70ATOM     69  HB3 ALA B   7      -5.940   3.795   4.458  1.00  0.00      BH
 71ATOM     70  C   ALA B   7      -8.912   2.354   3.463  1.00  0.00      BH
 72ATOM     71  O   ALA B   7      -9.974   2.853   3.663  1.00  0.00      BH
 73ATOM     72  N   ALA B   8      -8.864   1.404   2.514  1.00  0.00      BH
 74ATOM     73  HN  ALA B   8      -7.932   1.244   2.200  1.00  0.00      BH
 75ATOM     74  CA  ALA B   8     -10.008   0.910   1.816  1.00  0.00      BH
 76ATOM     75  HA  ALA B   8     -10.785   1.635   1.621  1.00  0.00      BH
 77ATOM     76  CB  ALA B   8      -9.572   0.291   0.457  1.00  0.00      BH
 78ATOM     77  HB1 ALA B   8     -10.397  -0.326   0.040  1.00  0.00      BH
 79ATOM     78  HB2 ALA B   8      -9.311   1.110  -0.247  1.00  0.00      BH
 80ATOM     79  HB3 ALA B   8      -8.793  -0.479   0.643  1.00  0.00      BH
 81ATOM     80  C   ALA B   8     -10.663  -0.166   2.707  1.00  0.00      BH
 82ATOM     81  O   ALA B   8     -11.882  -0.432   2.666  1.00  0.00      BH
 83ATOM     82  N   ALA B   9      -9.886  -0.789   3.580  1.00  0.00      BH
 84ATOM     83  HN  ALA B   9      -8.904  -0.621   3.609  1.00  0.00      BH
 85ATOM     84  CA  ALA B   9     -10.404  -1.774   4.539  1.00  0.00      BH
 86ATOM     85  HA  ALA B   9     -10.996  -2.532   4.049  1.00  0.00      BH
 87ATOM     86  CB  ALA B   9      -9.238  -2.543   5.191  1.00  0.00      BH
 88ATOM     87  HB1 ALA B   9      -8.806  -3.097   4.331  1.00  0.00      BH
 89ATOM     88  HB2 ALA B   9      -8.467  -1.819   5.532  1.00  0.00      BH
 90ATOM     89  HB3 ALA B   9      -9.463  -3.262   6.007  1.00  0.00      BH
 91ATOM     90  C   ALA B   9     -11.212  -1.063   5.618  1.00  0.00      BH
 92ATOM     91  O   ALA B   9     -12.370  -1.417   5.769  1.00  0.00      BH
 93ATOM     92  C   ALA B  10     -11.957   1.980   7.072  1.00  0.00      BH
 94ATOM     93  O   ALA B  10     -11.964   3.008   7.760  1.00  0.00      BH
 95ATOM     94  NT  ALA B  10     -12.813   1.968   5.971  1.00  0.00      BH
 96ATOM     95  HT1 ALA B  10     -13.399   2.748   5.755  1.00  0.00      BH
 97ATOM     96  HT2 ALA B  10     -12.618   1.237   5.316  1.00  0.00      BH
 98ATOM     97  N   ALA B  10     -10.690   0.020   6.213  1.00  0.00      BH
 99ATOM     98  HN  ALA B  10      -9.720   0.133   6.012  1.00  0.00      BH
100ATOM     99  CA  ALA B  10     -11.166   0.664   7.402  1.00  0.00      BH
101ATOM    100  HA  ALA B  10     -11.936   0.058   7.856  1.00  0.00      BH
102ATOM    101  CB  ALA B  10     -10.058   0.920   8.404  1.00  0.00      BH
103ATOM    102  HB1 ALA B  10      -9.202   1.387   7.871  1.00  0.00      BH
104ATOM    103  HB2 ALA B  10     -10.427   1.550   9.242  1.00  0.00      BH
105ATOM    104  HB3 ALA B  10      -9.603  -0.048   8.702  1.00  0.00      BH

To enable CHARMM calculations, a PSF file for this peptide and a CHARMM parameter file are needed: deca-ala.psf and par_all27_prot_lipid.prm. Packing

We want to see what they will pack into. Let’s try 13 decaalanines. The input file is:

 1lm_dir          deca-ala-packing  # Save the local minima to this folder.
 2num_calcs       20       # Total number of calculations.
 3do_coarse_opt   yes      # no: Do NOT the coarse optimization.
 4min_energy_gap  1.E-5    # When two energies differ smaller than
 5                         # this value, they are treated as identical.
 6                         # A negative number means do not remove
 7                         # energetically degenerated ones.
 8max_geom_iters  3000     # The maximum number of iterations for local optimization.
 9                         # If it is less or equal than zero, then the number is unlimited.
10use_CUDA        yes      # yes: Will always use CUDA when GPU acceleration is enabled.
13  deca-ala.pdb 13
14  random 0 0 0 15 15 15
15  ****
19  par_all27_prot_lipid.prm
20  deca-ala.psf
24  $charmm$

You can see that, we use $charmm$ to enable internal CHARMM calculation engine, and random to put decaalanines in a box defined by (0, 0, 0) and (15, 15, 15).

Now you can run the global optimization:

$ geom deca-ala-packing.inp > deca-ala-packing.out

After the optimization, the end of deca-ala-packing.out is

 -- Result Report --
Results are energy-increasingly reordered.
Structures of energies within 1.000E-04 are treated as degenerate.
All minima are saved to "deca-ala-packing".
     #  index               Energy            NaiveRMSD
     0     19       -4146.88610026           0.00000000
     1      5       -4136.05019723          14.82412036
     2      0       -4121.59161174          14.58105056
     3      3       -4046.70846315          18.63580831
     4     14       -4043.04825505          15.53391890
     5     16       -4012.00784464          16.42782901
     6      1       -4010.99019118          17.58161163

The global minimum of this system is deca-ala-packing/19.xyz, which is shown below:

alternate text


In practice, use a large num_calcs to get more reliable results. Layer

Let’s try to make a layer of 15 decaalanines. The input file is:

 1lm_dir          deca-ala-layer  # Save the local minima to this folder.
 2num_calcs       20       # Total number of calculations.
 3do_coarse_opt   yes      # no: Do NOT the coarse optimization.
 4min_energy_gap  1.E-5    # When two energies differ smaller than
 5                         # this value, they are treated as identical.
 6                         # A negative number means do not remove
 7                         # energetically degenerated ones.
 8max_geom_iters  3000     # The maximum number of iterations for local optimization.
 9                         # If it is less or equal than zero, then the number is unlimited.
10use_CUDA        yes      # yes: Will always use CUDA when GPU acceleration is enabled.
13  deca-ala.pdb 15
14  layer 1 4 99 0 0 1 30 0 0 0 30 0 30 30 0
15  ****
19  par_all27_prot_lipid.prm
20  deca-ala.psf
24  $charmm$

We use layer to put decaalanines in a layer of (30, 0, 0), (0, 30, 0), and (30, 30, 0). 4 99 means that atom 4 is closer to the layer, and 4 99 points along the local normal (0, 0, 1),. The first 1 means they are distributed regularly.

Now you can run the global optimization:

$ geom deca-ala-layer.inp > deca-ala-layer.out

After the optimization, the end of deca-ala-layer.out is

 -- Result Report --
Results are energy-increasingly reordered.
Structures of energies within 1.000E-04 are treated as degenerate.
All minima are saved to "deca-ala-layer".
     #  index               Energy            NaiveRMSD
     0      7       -4652.84360462           0.00000000
     1     10       -4642.74868570           6.95594683
     2      9       -4640.17531448           5.49849160
     3     17       -4620.62326625           5.27290071
     4      6       -4606.48231626           5.79743188
     5      2       -4589.08824421           5.33432251

The global minimum of this system is deca-ala-layer/7.xyz, which is shown below:

alternate text