It is not straightforward for beginners in quantum chemistry to understand how to obtain numerical results from abstract theoretical formulae. Therefore I wrote this small tutorial during 2009 to 2012, discussing in detail on how to carry out an actual Hartree-Fock, configuration interaction, coupled-cluster, time-dependent/independent density functional theory, geometry optimization or Hessian calculation using H2 as example. It therefore was also known as "Understanding Quantum Chemistry from H2MODEL" several years ago.
- 1 Model Description
- 2 Molecular Integral Computation
- 3 Single Configuration RHF Computation
- 3.1 Practical RHF Computation
- 3.2 Electronic States
- 3.3 Molecular Orbitals
- 3.4 Electron Density
- 3.5 Component Analysis of Wave Function
- 3.6 The Dissociation Limit of RHF Wave Function
- 3.7 The Stability of RHF
- 4 CI Computation: Naive Approach
- 4.1 Practical Computation
- 4.2 Dissociation Limit
- 4.3 Component Analysis
- 4.4 Correlation Effects
- 4.5 Population Analysis
- 5 Adiabatic States and Noncrossing Principle
- 6 CI Computation: GUGA Approach
- 6.1 Shavitt Graph
- 6.2 Davidson Diagonization
- 7 Perturbation Method: MP2
- 7.1 Perturbation Expansion of Accurate Energy
- 7.2 Convergency
- 8 Coupled Cluster Computation
- 8.1 Practical Computation
- 8.2 Relationship between FCI and CC
- 9 Optimization and Frequency Analysis of PES
- 9.1 RHF PES Analysis
- 9.2 General PES Analysis
- 10 Ground State DFT Computation
- 10.1 Energy Calculation
- 10.2 Self-interaction and Fractional Occupation Number Error
- 10.3 Asymptotic Error and Hirao Correction
- 11 Time-dependent DFT computation
- 11.1 Practical Computation
- 11.2 Comparing With Direct SCF
- 11.3 Triplet Instability and Imaginary Excitaion Energy
- 12 GAMESS and H2MODEL "Manual"
- 12.1 Checking by GAMESS
- 12.2 H2MODEL "Manual"