4.4. Example: Pincer and Water Using topgen and Multiwfn


The sample input and output files can be found in testfiles/rigidmol/4-pincerwater.

In this section, we want to consider the cluster of a large molecular “pincer” and 13 water. For water, we can just use tip4p.xyz as done before. The pincer is shown below:

alternate text
O      0.97308000      4.02950000      0.02172960
O      5.22818000      4.29840000      0.55213100
O      5.45578000      2.88710000     -1.50102000
H      5.65508000      3.42840000     -0.65915200
O      1.63082000      1.39760000     -3.81621000
H      0.64178000      1.28790000     -3.63132000
O     -0.85420000      1.13280000     -3.02372000
O     -3.63480000      3.01800000      0.37844100
O      0.94203000     -4.12400000     -0.01164950
O      5.22756000     -4.12300000     -0.19236000
O      5.19975000     -2.75900000      1.90677000
H      5.49911000     -3.28700000      1.08741000
O      1.10372000     -1.43100000      3.83101000
H      0.13381000     -1.37300000      3.54797000
O     -1.31340000     -1.31100000      2.81292000
O     -3.65480000     -3.37200000     -0.81056300
N     -4.55230000      1.09440000     -0.99695900
H     -4.54060000      1.90820000     -0.33085600
N     -4.76650000     -1.44200000      0.39144300
H     -4.65210000     -2.26500000     -0.25439400
C      1.94344000      3.43050000     -0.80416400
C      3.32617000      3.54260000     -0.60306300
C      4.12217000      2.86750000     -1.60098000
C      3.56742000      2.16740000     -2.68707000
C      2.17005000      2.08920000     -2.79643000
C      1.35713000      2.72410000     -1.83511000
C     -0.12610000      3.02720000     -1.80688000
C     -1.12760000      1.90760000     -2.07830000
C     -2.35500000      1.91710000     -1.32846000
C     -2.54310000      2.90300000     -0.24390400
C     -1.40410000      3.67780000      0.23983600
H     -1.50880000      4.16770000      1.20107000
C     -0.25120000      3.62020000     -0.44329800
C      3.98051000      4.29050000      0.46425400
C      3.18432000      5.08190000      1.47209000
H      3.87937000      5.54190000      2.17506000
H      2.48025000      4.43970000      2.00742000
H      2.58977000      5.85330000      0.97167700
C      4.46758000      1.52720000     -3.70897000
H      5.36536000      1.12230000     -3.23581000
H      4.80242000      2.26570000     -4.44793000
H      3.93826000      0.73680000     -4.24433000
C     -0.45280000      4.13300000     -2.87362000
H     -1.49930000      4.43910000     -2.78952000
H     -0.26720000      3.72570000     -3.87041000
H      0.19468000      4.99770000     -2.70998000
C     -3.38270000      0.95820000     -1.61680000
C     -3.16450000     -0.17800000     -2.56830000
H     -3.99600000     -0.88000000     -2.56379000
H     -2.24950000     -0.71000000     -2.30253000
H     -3.00750000      0.20520000     -3.58020000
C     -5.75190000      0.27390000     -1.07838000
H     -5.66800000     -0.41200000     -1.92466000
C     -6.98160000      1.17200000     -1.28347000
H     -7.04050000      1.88830000     -0.45262600
H     -6.84510000      1.75430000     -2.20072000
C     -8.26660000      0.33820000     -1.34828000
H     -8.23510000     -0.30800000     -2.23605000
H     -9.12970000      1.00130000     -1.46934000
C      1.79603000     -3.47200000      0.89376900
C      3.19591000     -3.51400000      0.81872300
C      3.86255000     -2.79400000      1.87848000
C      3.17612000     -2.10600000      2.89516000
C      1.76972000     -2.10300000      2.87705000
C      1.08107000     -2.79400000      1.86047000
C     -0.37560000     -3.18400000      1.70563000
C     -1.45940000     -2.12200000      1.86764000
C     -2.61180000     -2.20900000      1.01188000
C     -2.63740000     -3.19800000     -0.08655830
C     -1.41550000     -3.90500000     -0.45472100
H     -1.39180000     -4.38300000     -1.42651000
C     -0.34400000     -3.78600000      0.33979400
C      3.97534000     -4.19500000     -0.20265100
C      3.31726000     -5.00200000     -1.29460000
H      4.09514000     -5.37900000     -1.95885000
H      2.60358000     -4.39700000     -1.86056000
H      2.75164000     -5.83600000     -0.86495000
C      3.94193000     -1.40900000      3.98735000
H      4.83366000     -0.92100000      3.58815000
H      4.27651000     -2.12900000      4.74422000
H      3.30842000     -0.67200000      4.48277000
C     -0.73050000     -4.29800000      2.75283000
H     -0.65690000     -3.87500000      3.75749000
H     -0.02310000     -5.12500000      2.65752000
H     -1.74630000     -4.66500000      2.58197000
C     -3.69130000     -1.28100000      1.15965000
C     -3.63830000     -0.14400000      2.13635000
H     -4.52880000      0.47930000      2.09032000
H     -2.76620000      0.47890000      1.93537000
H     -3.50560000     -0.52900000      3.14983000
C     -5.91880000     -0.57300000      0.21221300
H     -6.00050000      0.11350000      1.05878000
C     -7.19980000     -1.41500000      0.12954700
H     -7.29880000     -1.99900000      1.05068000
H     -7.10010000     -2.13200000     -0.69707000
C     -8.42930000     -0.52700000     -0.09348310
H     -9.32510000     -1.15200000     -0.17414200
H     -8.57210000      0.12090000      0.78154800

4.4.1. Calculate Parameters

First, we will use topgen to generate most information:

$ topgen pincer.xyz

You will get the following output:

Analyze topology for the molecule from "pincer.xyz" ... done.

Exporting results to "pincer" +
 .gjf:         GJF file with bonding information.
 -cycles.txt:  Containing cycle texts that can be used for ABCluster:geom calculation.
 -bonding.xyz: XYZ file with bonding information for ABCluster:geom calculation.
 -rigid.xyz:   XYZ file with bonding information for ABCluster:rigidmol calculation.
 .psf:         PSF file with topology informaition for ABCluster:geom/NAMD calculations.

In "pincer-rigid.xyz" and "pincer.psf":
 "X" means unknown atomic type.
 Total charge: 1.8360

In pincer.psf and pincer-rigid.xyz, the topology and Lennard-Jones parameters have been automatically generated. The atom typing is done using graph representation learning. Please refer to:

However, the charge is 1.8360, which is wrong. To obtain a reasonable charges, we recommend RESP charges, which can be calculated easily.

Step 1: Do a single point quantum chemistry calculation and save the wavefunction. For example, using Gaussian:

#b3lyp/6-31g(d) geom=connectivity


0 1
[ coordinates ]

After calculation, run:

$ formchk pincer.chk pincer.fchk

pincer.fchk is an ASCII file and can be used in the following calculations.

Step 2: Get Multiwfn. Do as instructed below:

$ Multiwfn pincer.fchk
$ 7  // Select "Population analysis and calculation of atomic charges"
$ 18 // Select "Restrained ElectroStatic Potential (RESP) atomic charge"
$ 1  // Select "Start standard two-stage RESP fitting calculation"

Now it will calculate electrostatic potential at 48180 points for 1736 Gaussian basis functions. Thanks to the following algorithm, the calculation can be very fast:


After calculation, you can save the charges to pincer.chg. The last column is the RESP charges. Copy them to replace the charges in pincer.psf and pincer-rigid.xyz. The finished pincer-rigid.xyz is:

Generated by ABCluster
   O      0.97308000      4.02950000      0.02172960
   O      5.22818000      4.29840000      0.55213100
   O      5.45578000      2.88710000     -1.50102000
   H      5.65508000      3.42840000     -0.65915200
   O      1.63082000      1.39760000     -3.81621000
   H      0.64178000      1.28790000     -3.63132000
   O     -0.85420000      1.13280000     -3.02372000
   O     -3.63480000      3.01800000      0.37844100
   O      0.94203000     -4.12400000     -0.01164950
   O      5.22756000     -4.12300000     -0.19236000
   O      5.19975000     -2.75900000      1.90677000
   H      5.49911000     -3.28700000      1.08741000
   O      1.10372000     -1.43100000      3.83101000
   H      0.13381000     -1.37300000      3.54797000
   O     -1.31340000     -1.31100000      2.81292000
   O     -3.65480000     -3.37200000     -0.81056300
   N     -4.55230000      1.09440000     -0.99695900
   H     -4.54060000      1.90820000     -0.33085600
   N     -4.76650000     -1.44200000      0.39144300
   H     -4.65210000     -2.26500000     -0.25439400
   C      1.94344000      3.43050000     -0.80416400
   C      3.32617000      3.54260000     -0.60306300
   C      4.12217000      2.86750000     -1.60098000
   C      3.56742000      2.16740000     -2.68707000
   C      2.17005000      2.08920000     -2.79643000
   C      1.35713000      2.72410000     -1.83511000
   C     -0.12610000      3.02720000     -1.80688000
   C     -1.12760000      1.90760000     -2.07830000
   C     -2.35500000      1.91710000     -1.32846000
   C     -2.54310000      2.90300000     -0.24390400
   C     -1.40410000      3.67780000      0.23983600
   H     -1.50880000      4.16770000      1.20107000
   C     -0.25120000      3.62020000     -0.44329800
   C      3.98051000      4.29050000      0.46425400
   C      3.18432000      5.08190000      1.47209000
   H      3.87937000      5.54190000      2.17506000
   H      2.48025000      4.43970000      2.00742000
   H      2.58977000      5.85330000      0.97167700
   C      4.46758000      1.52720000     -3.70897000
   H      5.36536000      1.12230000     -3.23581000
   H      4.80242000      2.26570000     -4.44793000
   H      3.93826000      0.73680000     -4.24433000
   C     -0.45280000      4.13300000     -2.87362000
   H     -1.49930000      4.43910000     -2.78952000
   H     -0.26720000      3.72570000     -3.87041000
   H      0.19468000      4.99770000     -2.70998000
   C     -3.38270000      0.95820000     -1.61680000
   C     -3.16450000     -0.17800000     -2.56830000
   H     -3.99600000     -0.88000000     -2.56379000
   H     -2.24950000     -0.71000000     -2.30253000
   H     -3.00750000      0.20520000     -3.58020000
   C     -5.75190000      0.27390000     -1.07838000
   H     -5.66800000     -0.41200000     -1.92466000
   C     -6.98160000      1.17200000     -1.28347000
   H     -7.04050000      1.88830000     -0.45262600
   H     -6.84510000      1.75430000     -2.20072000
   C     -8.26660000      0.33820000     -1.34828000
   H     -8.23510000     -0.30800000     -2.23605000
   H     -9.12970000      1.00130000     -1.46934000
   C      1.79603000     -3.47200000      0.89376900
   C      3.19591000     -3.51400000      0.81872300
   C      3.86255000     -2.79400000      1.87848000
   C      3.17612000     -2.10600000      2.89516000
   C      1.76972000     -2.10300000      2.87705000
   C      1.08107000     -2.79400000      1.86047000
   C     -0.37560000     -3.18400000      1.70563000
   C     -1.45940000     -2.12200000      1.86764000
   C     -2.61180000     -2.20900000      1.01188000
   C     -2.63740000     -3.19800000     -0.08655830
   C     -1.41550000     -3.90500000     -0.45472100
   H     -1.39180000     -4.38300000     -1.42651000
   C     -0.34400000     -3.78600000      0.33979400
   C      3.97534000     -4.19500000     -0.20265100
   C      3.31726000     -5.00200000     -1.29460000
   H      4.09514000     -5.37900000     -1.95885000
   H      2.60358000     -4.39700000     -1.86056000
   H      2.75164000     -5.83600000     -0.86495000
   C      3.94193000     -1.40900000      3.98735000
   H      4.83366000     -0.92100000      3.58815000
   H      4.27651000     -2.12900000      4.74422000
   H      3.30842000     -0.67200000      4.48277000
   C     -0.73050000     -4.29800000      2.75283000
   H     -0.65690000     -3.87500000      3.75749000
   H     -0.02310000     -5.12500000      2.65752000
   H     -1.74630000     -4.66500000      2.58197000
   C     -3.69130000     -1.28100000      1.15965000
   C     -3.63830000     -0.14400000      2.13635000
   H     -4.52880000      0.47930000      2.09032000
   H     -2.76620000      0.47890000      1.93537000
   H     -3.50560000     -0.52900000      3.14983000
   C     -5.91880000     -0.57300000      0.21221300
   H     -6.00050000      0.11350000      1.05878000
   C     -7.19980000     -1.41500000      0.12954700
   H     -7.29880000     -1.99900000      1.05068000
   H     -7.10010000     -2.13200000     -0.69707000
   C     -8.42930000     -0.52700000     -0.09348310
   H     -9.32510000     -1.15200000     -0.17414200
   H     -8.57210000      0.12090000      0.78154800
par_all36_prot   q   epsilon (kJ/mol) sigma (AA)
 -0.1977931830  0.4184   2.9400 # OG3C51
 -0.5733367878  0.5021   3.1181 # OG312
 -0.5300303150  0.8037   3.1449 # OG311
  0.4529362989  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP1
 -0.4771591324  0.8037   3.1449 # OG311
  0.3642538753  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP1
 -0.4651447462  0.5021   3.0291 # OG2D1
 -0.5666566754  0.5021   3.0291 # OG2D1
 -0.1930103667  0.4184   2.9400 # OG3C51
 -0.5726160092  0.5021   3.1181 # OG312
 -0.5309161679  0.8037   3.1449 # OG311
  0.4526673560  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP1
 -0.4711202072  0.8037   3.1449 # OG311
  0.3585367639  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP1
 -0.4571705592  0.5021   3.0291 # OG2D1
 -0.5623143971  0.5021   3.0291 # OG2D1
 -0.5765288056  0.8368   3.2963 # NG2P1
  0.3467211098  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP2
 -0.5967315462  0.8368   3.2963 # NG2P1
  0.3529095233  0.1925   0.4000 # HGP2
  0.3879440331  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
 -0.5788065828  0.4142   3.3141 # CG2RC0
  0.3842000880  0.1674   3.7418 # CG2R64
 -0.0997233426  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.3726833554  0.1674   3.7418 # CG2R64
 -0.5441667574  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
  0.3735821875  0.1506   3.5814 # CG3C50
  0.4739123225  0.4184   3.3854 # CG2R63
 -0.7130252483  0.4142   3.3141 # CG2RC0
  0.6954190395  0.4184   3.3854 # CG2R63
 -0.5131154947  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.2140815465  0.1925   1.9600 # HGR62
  0.1989000377  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
  0.7609513260  0.4602   3.5636 # CG2O1
 -0.4305219061  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.1157827368  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1157827368  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1157827368  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
 -0.1830077140  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.0728685153  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0728685153  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0728685153  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
 -0.3387068233  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.0997306099  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0997306099  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0997306099  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.6233011950  0.4602   3.5636 # CG2N2
 -0.4115073756  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.1347767913  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1347767913  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1347767913  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.2434906893  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.0278489446  0.1883   2.3876 # HGA1
 -0.1453550327  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.0609175806  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
  0.0609175806  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
 -0.0163527124  0.2803   3.5543 # CG2R71
  0.0239680659  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
  0.0239680659  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
  0.3898962115  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
 -0.5779944634  0.4142   3.3141 # CG2RC0
  0.3856230585  0.1674   3.7418 # CG2R64
 -0.1005642641  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.3698700817  0.1674   3.7418 # CG2R64
 -0.5596427812  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
  0.4370629855  0.1506   3.5814 # CG3C50
  0.4313162857  0.4184   3.3854 # CG2R63
 -0.6910763065  0.4142   3.3141 # CG2RC0
  0.6777322383  0.4184   3.3854 # CG2R63
 -0.4926179545  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.2114874971  0.1925   1.9600 # HGR62
  0.1640672037  0.2092   3.7418 # CG2R51
  0.7567282192  0.4602   3.5636 # CG2O1
 -0.4286119953  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.1151360088  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1151360088  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1151360088  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
 -0.1807604294  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.0722453737  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0722453737  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0722453737  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
 -0.3417282498  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.0988146354  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0988146354  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.0988146354  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.6378338036  0.4602   3.5636 # CG2N2
 -0.4424811015  0.3264   3.6527 # CG331
  0.1442920859  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1442920859  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.1442920859  0.1004   2.3876 # HGA3
  0.2524345197  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.0249875177  0.1883   2.3876 # HGA1
 -0.1457390007  0.3766   3.3854 # CG2R62
  0.0617790272  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
  0.0617790272  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
 -0.0227826499  0.2803   3.5543 # CG2R71
  0.0255840761  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2
  0.0255840761  0.1464   2.3876 # HGA2

4.4.2. Global Optimization

Now, we can do the global optimization.

Step 1: Prepare an input file named pincer-wat.inp with the following content:

1pincer-wat.cluster  # cluster file name
2100                 # population size
3100                 # maximal generations
43                   # scout limit
510.0                # amplitude
6pincer-wat          # save optimized configuration to .xyz and .gjf
730                  # number of LMs to be saved

Step 2: Prepare the cluster file named pincer-wat.cluster with the following content:

2pincer-rigid.xyz 1
3tip4p.xyz        13
4* 20.0000

Step 3: Run the global optimization:

$ rigidmol pincer-rigid.inp > pincer-rigid.out

The global optimization is pincer-wat/1.xyz, which is shown below.

alternate text