6.3. Control the Cluster Shape


The sample input and output files can be found in testfiles/geom/1-shape.

In this Section we will introduce how to use components block to accurately control the cluster shape. You will see how powerful geom is.

6.3.1. General Input

In this section we will use the same input for all examples, only changing the lm_dir and components block.

 1lm_dir          TODO     # Save the local minima to this folder.
 2num_calcs       10       # Total number of calculations.
 3do_coarse_opt   yes      # no: Do NOT the coarse optimization.
 4min_energy_gap  1.E-4    # When two energies differ smaller than
 5                         # this value, they are treated as identical.
 6                         # A negative number means do not remove
 7                         # energetically degenerated ones.
 8max_geom_iters  3000     # The maximum number of iterations for local optimization.
 9                         # If it is less or equal than zero, then the number is unlimited.
12  TODO

You can see that, compared with the one given in Input File for geom, the charmm, xtb, and savegjf are deleted, since we do not need them. Also, the commands block is left empty, since we do not need any third party programs. We just use geom as a structure generator. For each system, we generate only 10 clusters, as indicated by num_calcs.

6.3.2. Example: box, (C6H6)512(H2O)2048

We will consider the cluster of 512 \(\mathrm{C}_6\mathrm{H}_6\) and 2048 \(\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}\). First we prepare their structure:

 3C                  0.00000000    1.39649000    0.00000000
 4C                  1.20939600    0.69824500    0.00000000
 5C                  1.20939600   -0.69824500    0.00000000
 6C                  0.00000000   -1.39649000    0.00000000
 7C                 -1.20939600   -0.69824500    0.00000000
 8C                 -1.20939600    0.69824500    0.00000000
 9H                  0.00000000    2.48319100    0.00000000
10H                  2.15050600    1.24159500    0.00000000
11H                  2.15050600   -1.24159500    0.00000000
12H                  0.00000000   -2.48319100    0.00000000
13H                 -2.15050600   -1.24159500    0.00000000
14H                 -2.15050600    1.24159500    0.00000000
3O                  0.00000000    0.00000000   -0.11081188
4H                  0.00000000   -0.78397589    0.44324751
5H                 -0.00000000    0.78397589    0.44324751 Mixture

First, we want to get a solvent box of their mixture. Here, the keyword box will be used. In h2o-c6h6-mixture.inp, change the component block:

1lm_dir  h2o-c6h6-mixture
3    c6h6.xyz 512
4    box 0 0 0 45 90 45
5    ****
6    h2o.xyz 2048
7    box 0 0 0 45 90 45
8    ****

Here we can see that:

  • Each component is separated by ****;

  • The first line of each component is the structure file name (path can be included) and its number. Say h2o.xyz 2048 means that there are 2048 water, whose structure is defined in h2o.xyz.

  • The second line of each component is its shape of packing.

In this case, both components have the shape box:


box x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1

Uniformly distribute molecules in a box determined by (x0, y0, z0) and (x1, y1, z1).

Since \(\mathrm{C}_6\mathrm{H}_6\) and \(\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}\) are distributed in the same space, they will form a perfect mixture.

Now run the program:

$ geom h2o-c6h6-mixture.inp > h2o-c6h6-mixture.out Bi-phase

Since \(\mathrm{C}_6\mathrm{H}_6\) and \(\mathrm{H}_2\mathrm{O}\) do not solvate each other, it is possible to generate a bi-phase cluster. Just let them distribute in different but adjoint boxes!

1lm_dir  h2o-c6h6-biphase
3    c6h6.xyz 512
4    box 0 0 0 45 45 45
5    ****
6    h2o.xyz 2048
7    box 0 45 0 45 90 45
8    ****

Now run the program:

$ geom h2o-c6h6-biphase.inp > h2o-c6h6-biphase.out

Now, let us compare the structures. Just randomly take 2, say h2o-c6h6-mixture/3.xyz and h2o-c6h6-biphase/2.xyz. See below, we perfectly get what we want!

alternate text

6.3.3. Example: random, (H2O)50

There is a keyword random that is very similar to box:


random x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1

Randomly distribute molecules in a region determined by (x0, y0, z0) and (x1, y1, z1).

Unlike box, which tend to put molecules uniformly, random will put molecules randomly. Let’s try it for 50 water molecules.

1lm_dir  h2o50
3    h2o.xyz 50
4    random 0 0 0 15 15 15
5    ****

Now run the program:

$ geom h2o50.inp > h2o50.out

One structure, say h2o50/3.xyz, is shown below. We compared it with a structure generated by replacing random to box.

alternate text

6.3.4. Example: fix, H2O in SSZ-13

We want to study the diffusion of \(\text{H}_2\text{O}\) in zeolite SSZ-13. The structure of SSZ-13 is given below:

  3  O         5.7000232468        7.6303196339        2.6186286767
  4  O         5.2045498989       10.1995252965        3.2272552812
  5  O         7.6341828896        9.4099723840        2.7745789292
  6  O         5.8753034436        9.5497196844        0.7672162010
  7  O         7.6375473635        4.2759815544        2.6753670218
  8  O         9.5707533006        7.6299616532        2.6176480074
  9  O         9.6106668261        5.3414448452       13.6228779840
 10  O         7.6185326402        8.7535796994       13.6836873966
 11  O         5.6658146587        5.3461814248       13.6160993667
 12  O         5.7026893239       -0.2642085908        7.5407946669
 13  O         0.7825962064        8.1512328930        7.5378038833
 14  O         2.7836661828       11.6286830319        7.5359961843
 15  O         2.7363955771        9.3420684719        3.8535391861
 16  O         7.6423184053        0.8505970745        3.7730132707
 17  O        12.5335364638        9.3415768142        3.8544585628
 18  O        12.4624155643        3.6818551888       12.4626958554
 19  O         7.6062858624       12.1072824025       12.4587051589
 20  O         2.8065149113        3.6894351696       12.2320710199
 21  O         2.7322963802        1.4435907562        8.8508132419
 22  O         0.8127191930        4.8681935127        8.6967338458
 23  O        12.4822455137        1.3976417344        8.7679437480
 24  O         5.6527918209        2.5629377561        3.2319866240
 25  O        12.0423876809        6.7757052402        3.2233313473
 26  O        12.0554980341        6.2591391560       13.0723873245
 27  O         5.5916803863       10.4417381114       13.0790389503
 28  O         5.1667070765        2.7598543540       13.1500955201
 29  O        10.0234139879        2.7573797734       13.0802094325
 30  O         9.6173269693       10.4509455156       13.0839569435
 31  O         3.1861034312        6.1951039344       13.1391153838
 32  O         3.2262073712        6.7771124228        3.2237580685
 33  O         9.6209190582        2.5656089905        3.2277416465
 34  O        10.0640705757       10.1974856514        3.2288444611
 35  O         5.1427255382        2.3096527675        8.0673522413
 36  O        12.4246061731        6.5049032168        8.1596286214
 37  O         5.2287254916       10.6584161272        8.1499333643
 38  O        10.0660760251       10.7260767207        8.1486535093
 39  O         2.8490782073        6.5139838953        8.1476193260
 40  O        10.0374817601        2.3659377558        8.1472483774
 41  O         5.1316112190        5.0641064531        2.8432015310
 42  O        10.1446584873        5.0657040841        2.7757616149
 43  O        10.1029249905        7.9248177185       13.5271012901
 44  O         5.1139616931        7.9307810948       13.5327555244
 45  O         7.6221919820        3.6097600857       13.5295025529
 46  O         7.6288414056        1.5118665409        7.7615136197
 47  O        11.9654721427        9.0151964046        7.6848839357
 48  O         3.2451981211        9.0440458535        7.6881718795
 49  O         3.3069973094       11.9100887748        3.6976804332
 50  O         5.1307773743        0.0649280529        3.6340011283
 51  O         0.7969499830        7.5670851250        3.6935855226
 52  O         0.7910818700        5.3346368625       12.6820331150
 53  O        11.9636291062        1.1105277839       12.6111708865
 54  O         3.2392803629        1.1213561083       12.5479345449
 55  O         3.3075057508        4.0157430778        8.7760041016
 56  O        12.0156624591        3.9738388657        8.6139906116
 57  O         7.6320672727       11.5168215978        8.6125370060
 58  O         5.8866593170        3.4930627815        0.7891245303
 59  O        11.1355336190        6.5074683788        0.7610373808
 60  O         9.3801650379        3.4821683317        0.7717307825
 61  O         9.3883869933        9.5474036098        0.7666774122
 62  O         4.1692472661        6.4488991333        0.7780060769
 63  O         5.9556046254        1.6428018426        5.6765493427
 64  O        12.6861939240        7.3729754052        5.6887347990
 65  O         4.3586450055       10.4595476971        5.6921261702
 66  O         2.5801899718        7.3759353889        5.6905185401
 67  O         9.3400531831        1.7041165806        5.6889457138
 68  O        10.9432024258       10.5171940688        5.6851549584
 69  O        12.7365486472        5.5973335861       10.6155686479
 70  O         5.8478045129       11.3130579735       10.6124834850
 71  O         4.5150336200        2.4391618565       10.6065434296
 72  O         9.3801870229       11.2550644389       10.6124530044
 73  O         2.4362265224        5.7858392934       10.6232169362
 74  O        10.9023169714        2.5612785425       10.6093785249
 75 Si         6.0920814665        3.8508163034        2.3648358150
 76 Si        10.7202283849        6.5092425635        2.3328070616
 77 Si        10.7198656965        6.4925660943       13.9546031759
 78 Si         6.0652860896        9.1709124986       13.9647009255
 79 Si         6.0809445096        3.8112454238       13.9744263842
 80 Si         9.1680499571        3.8090892108       13.9600924915
 81 Si         9.1702883031        9.1714808622       13.9670464697
 82 Si         4.5450589507        6.4778439590       13.9665556825
 83 Si         4.5589301028        6.4970522597        2.3544741665
 84 Si         9.1776796571        3.8440220779        2.3459143784
 85 Si         9.1743108787        9.1858945424        2.3361918038
 86 Si         6.1023939667        1.2912554713        7.2563853198
 87 Si        12.8984444715        7.7609462493        7.2559239768
 88 Si         3.8937893347       10.4628352540        7.2542014120
 89 Si         3.8917972712       10.4639571217        4.1313484718
 90 Si         6.1021660505        1.2768708902        4.0983248150
 91 Si        12.9264443751        7.7793779850        4.1294213351
 92 Si         2.3418034349        7.7806749736        4.1302867232
 93 Si         9.1747023738        1.2939288098        4.1186514298
 94 Si        11.3852128233       10.4740999990        4.1168223128
 95 Si        11.3849847412       10.4645367999        7.2520286806
 96 Si         2.3463927644        7.7693527709        7.2545905923
 97 Si         9.1641901801        1.3288002236        7.2655864551
 98 Si        12.9252078158        5.2179055842       12.1892578243
 99 Si         6.0541114995       11.7025286295       12.1775311953
100 Si        12.9318493098        5.2383696707        9.0377621396
101 Si         6.0833435431       11.6953330771        9.0489768990
102 Si         9.1739017270       11.7144997047        9.0639602124
103 Si         2.3459232172        5.2847394268        9.0735577386
104 Si        11.3678806369        2.5575039972        9.0491343651
105 Si        11.3433313927        2.5385553857       12.1747149889
106 Si         9.1561829214       11.6952711342       12.1629072761
107 Si         2.3228901646        5.2436972032       12.1586452445
108 Si         6.0937069986        9.1867058586        2.3360857945
109 Si         3.9151902179        2.5466565165        9.0895664436
110 Si         3.9346333440        2.5195603195       12.1307588181

In this case, SSZ-13 should be fixed in space, and water molecules are put into its big cage. In this case, a new keyword fix will help:


fix x y z

Put the center of the molecule at (x, y, z), with a random rotation.

fix x y z alpha beta gamma

Put the center of the molecule at (x, y, z), with a rotation (alpha, beta, gamma). So, fix x y z 0 0 0 will not rotate the molecule but keep it orientation as in its XYZ file.

We fix the center of SSZ-13 at (0, 0, 0) without any rotations, so:

1lm_dir  h2o-ssz-13
3    ssz-13.xyz 1
4    fix 0 0 0 0 0 0
5    ****

After running the optimization, you will find that SSZ-13 have been moved that its center is at the origin without rotations. Now we can try to determine a box inside the cage to let us put water in.


Their are a lot of ways to do this. One way is to use VMD. Load the optimized structure, say h2o-ssz-13/0.xyz to VMD, and in its command line, run the following command:

vmd > measure minmax [atomselect top all]
{-6.468430519104004 -6.547443389892578 -6.980508804321289} {5.680822849273682 5.824047565460205 6.232880115509033}

This {-6.468430519104004 -6.547443389892578 -6.980508804321289} {5.680822849273682 5.824047565460205 6.232880115509033} is the box that contains the whole system. Of course, it should be smaller, so we shrink it to, say {-2 -3 -4} {2 3 4}.

Now, we can prepare the complete input file:

1lm_dir  h2o-ssz-13
3    ssz-13.xyz 1
4    fix 0 0 0 0 0 0
5    ****
6    h2o.xyz 10
7    random -2 -3 -4 2 3 4
8    ****

Run the program:

$ geom h2o-ssz-13.inp > h2o-ssz-13.out

Let’s check out a structure, say h2o-ssz-13/3.xyz, which is shown below. You can use this as an initial guess for first-principles calculation!

alternate text

6.3.5. Example: droplet, NaCl in water droplet

We want to study 3 \(\text{Na}^{+}\) and \(\text{Cl}^{-}\) in a water microdroplet. The structures of \(\text{Na}^{+}\) and \(\text{Cl}^{-}\) are shown below.

3Na 0 0 0
3Cl 0 0 0

To distribute the species in a droplet, we use the keyword droplet.


droplet x y z a b c

Randomly distribute molecules in an ellipsoid centered at (x, y, z) with 3 radii a, b, and c.

So we can distribute them in the same ellipsoid (say, three radii being 20, 10, and 10) to model the solvation:

 1lm_dir  h2o-na3cl3
 3    h2o.xyz 600
 4    droplet 0 0 0 20 10 10
 5    ****
 6    na.xyz 3
 7    droplet 0 0 0 20 10 10
 8    ****
 9    cl.xyz 3
10    droplet 0 0 0 20 10 10
11    ****

Run the program:

$ geom h2o-na3cl3.inp > h2o-na3cl3.out

Let’s check out a structure, say h2o-na3cl3/6.xyz, which is shown below.

alternate text

6.3.6. Example: absorb, (CO)10@Ag38

There is a very useful keyword absorb in geom: with it you can put molecules on the surface of a molecule, like a metal slab or protein.


absorb n1 n2 n3

Randomly distribute molecules on the surface of component n1 (index starting from 1). These molecules take a direction that the vector from atom n2 to n3 points along the local normal.

Let’s show this with an example. Consider 10 \(\text{CO}\) absorbed on \(\text{Ag}_{38}\). The structures of \(\text{Ag}_{38}\) and \(\text{CO}\) are given below:

 3Ag        1.83581324854909   -0.66521416103382   -4.05084800386537
 4Ag        3.26146602865993    1.43076353307629   -2.74559379561526
 5Ag       -1.86766331981303   -3.69246865502893    1.76047772000301
 6Ag       -1.83581102159633    0.66521241553523    4.05084656236035
 7Ag       -4.37635842854696    0.46053090761453    0.92628644673458
 8Ag        0.15602085746999    2.00172223612582   -0.25803332624779
 9Ag        4.09045041549422   -0.07826673249061    1.86662431725502
10Ag        2.96684423722295   -2.41279942319018    0.63392161141815
11Ag        1.27537017794612    0.10273478583599    1.56858140117429
12Ag        0.49180992899154    1.78611199051730   -3.40510826327950
13Ag       -1.27542752460590   -0.10273282991459   -1.56852780260341
14Ag        1.86765806332299    3.69248093139238   -1.76047676908242
15Ag        1.58003106702717    4.07712387902652    1.04989147026445
16Ag        1.24797585452742   -4.25706785477554   -0.73581396857223
17Ag       -0.97472878274367   -0.48635742691014   -4.36290889209247
18Ag        1.56411023996142   -0.28340514372109   -1.25313947728674
19Ag       -3.31177359770293   -2.01320436495574   -0.06340730066674
20Ag        0.96033695393650   -3.87241791982209    2.07453413622748
21Ag       -0.49179643241507   -1.78609168703799    3.40506272467468
22Ag        0.97471867683167    0.48635633328589    4.36290696130676
23Ag        4.37636506050101   -0.46053366775522   -0.92629395693753
24Ag        2.95063571629445   -2.55651271910380   -2.23163152893035
25Ag       -1.24798342397203    4.25705941555808    0.73581747916760
26Ag       -2.37713910520774    1.78950388800175   -3.37174214960943
27Ag        2.37713234562125   -1.78950289396663    3.37174836642454
28Ag        3.31183702084341    2.01323876759066    0.06340286526436
29Ag       -0.96034478186356    3.87241695907278   -2.07452887108150
30Ag       -3.26146124524853   -1.43076585076549    2.74558710274998
31Ag       -2.95063365988223    2.55651250079272    2.23162668919665
32Ag       -1.58003774094824   -4.07711813992677   -1.04988736473955
33Ag       -2.68795036663320   -2.19763079149194   -2.85783568469868
34Ag       -4.09044728739259    0.07826707984227   -1.86660956451639
35Ag       -0.14676607800026    2.64016188401185    2.83464031184915
36Ag        0.14677416984600   -2.64018472712655   -2.83466944323257
37Ag       -0.15608921802641   -2.00170980842979    0.25806971579687
38Ag        2.68794654621046    2.19763200878331    2.85784466194340
39Ag       -2.96679571349412    2.41276479806487   -0.63391785806270
40Ag       -1.56408890116479    0.28339049331867    1.25310346730934
3C         0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000   -0.06362328061977
4O         0.00000000000000    0.00000000000000    1.06362328061977

Now we prepare the input:

1lm_dir  ag38-co10
3    ag38.xyz 1
4    fix 0 0 0 0 0 0
5    ****
6    co.xyz 10
7    absorb 1 1 2
8    ****

First, we simply fix \(\text{Ag}_{38}\) as (0, 0, 0) without rotations, then let 10 \(\text{CO}\) absorb on the 1``st component, with the vector formed by the ``1``st and ``2``nd atom of ``co.xyz pointing outward. Let’s run the optimization:

Run the program:

$ geom ag38-co10.inp > ag38-co10.out

Let’s check out a structure, say ag38-co10/3.xyz, which is shown below.

alternate text

If you change absorb 1 1 2 to absorb 1 2 1, you will see that oxygen atoms of \(\text{CO}\) will contact with the metal slab surface.

6.3.7. Example: shell, (CH3CN)10


shell n1 n2 x y z a b c

Uniformly distribute molecules over an ellipsoid centered at (x, y, z) with 3 radii a, b, and c. These molecules take a direction that the vector from atom n1 to n2 points along the local normal.

shell n1 n2 n3 n4 x y z a b c

Uniformly distribute molecules over an ellipsoid centered at (x, y, z) with 3 radii a, b, and c. These molecules take a direction that the vector from the center of n1, n2 to the center of n3, n4 points along the local normal.

shell n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 x y z a b c

Uniformly distribute molecules over an ellipsoid centered at (x, y, z) with 3 radii a, b, and c. These molecules take a direction that the vector from the center of n1, n2, n3 to the center of n4, n5, n6 points along the local normal.

shell is a powerful keyword in geom which enables you to build:

  • Micelle, anti-micelle structures;

  • Ligated clusters.

These two applications will be discussed in this and following sections. In this section, we will show how to let 10 \(\text{CH}_3\text{CN}\) uniformly distribute over a sphere.

The structure of \(\text{CH}_3\text{CN}\) is given below:

3C                  0.00000000    0.00000000   -1.22619100
4H                  0.00000000    1.00880600   -1.58285700
5H                 -0.87365100   -0.50440300   -1.58285700
6H                  0.87365100   -0.50440300   -1.58285700
7C                  0.00000000    0.00000000    0.31380900
8N                  0.00000000    0.00000000    1.46040900

Use the following input:

1lm_dir  ch3cn10
3    ch3cn.xyz 10
4    shell 6 5 0 0 0 5 5 5
5    # Or you can use the following:
6    # shell 6 6 6 2 3 4 0 0 0 5 5 5
7    ****

Here, 0 0 0 5 5 5 means that molecules will be distributed over the ellipsoid centered at (0, 0, 0) with 3 radii 5, 5, 5 (so it is a sphere). In the first way, 6 5 means that atom 6 is closer to the ellipsoid, and 6 5 points along the local normal; in the second way, 6 6 6 2 3 4 means that the center of atom 6 6 6 (i.e. the nitrogen atom) is closer to the ellipsoid, and the center of 2 3 4 (i.e. the three hydrogen atoms) is pointing outwardly. The two ways have the same effect.

Run the program:

$ geom ch3cn10.inp > ch3cn10.out

Let’s check out a structure, say ch3cn10/6.xyz, which is shown below.

alternate text

6.3.8. Example: layer, (C4H2)30

layer can let molecules for a layer. This is very useful for building films, membranes, etc.


layer n1 n2 n3 x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y 3 z 4

A finite layer is determined by 3 points: (x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2), and (x3, y3, z3). Molecules will be distributed on the plane with a direction that the vector from atom n2 to n3 points along the local normal (x0, y0, z0). If n1 is 1, molecules will be distributed regularly; if it is 2, then distributed randomly.

For example, we want to arrange 30 \(\text{C}_4\text{H}_2\) to form a 5x5x5 film. The structure of \(\text{C}_4\text{H}_2\) is:

3C                 -0.00000000   -0.00000000   -1.97120000
4H                 -0.00000000   -0.00000000   -3.04120000
5C                 -0.00000000   -0.00000000   -0.77000000
6C                  0.00000000   -0.00000000    0.77000000
7C                  0.00000000   -0.00000000    1.97120000
8H                  0.00000000   -0.00000000    3.04120000

This is a linear molecule. The following input can be used:

1lm_dir  c4h230
3    c4h2.xyz 30
4    layer 1 2 1 0 0 1 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 0
5    ****

Here, 5 0 0 5 5 0 0 5 0 defines a layer of (5, 0, 0), (5, 5, 0), and (0, 5, 0). 2 1 means that atom 2 is closer to the layer, and 2 1 points along the local normal (0, 0, 1),. The first 1 means they are distributed regularly.

Run the program:

$ geom c4h230.inp > c4h230.out

Let’s check out a structure, say c4h230/3.xyz, which is shown below.

alternate text

You can try to see what you will get by changing 2 1 1 to 2 1 2.